Marie Claire Feature


Looks like we’ve caught the eye of Nina Garcia, cause we’ve been featured in the December issue of Marie Claire. Have you seen it? We give some EXCELLENT advice about decorating for the holidays. Marie Claire also asked our pal Emily Henderson for some tips….we love sharing the page with her!  
A perfect way to start the holiday season… don’t you think?

Gladys + Joel on Ruffled Blog

Well, color us happy! Our cute couple, Gladys + Joel were featured over on Ruffled blog last week, and we couldn’t be happier. Here are a few of our favorite details from their vibrant day.

These little flags are the perfect addition to Cake Monkey‘s sweet cake. 

 Love Me Sailor killed it with the photos, don’t you think?
Thanks for the feature, Ruffled!

Holler For Holland

Us Bash gals love daydreaming about the vacations we’d love to take.. or the international locals you want us to throw your wedding at (hint hint). So, when Design*Sponge asks us to do one of our “Around the World with Bash, Please” posts, we jump at the chance. Our latest went up last week, and we loved it so much, we thought we’d share it again.. just in case you missed it. 
When we spun our globe and it landed on The Netherlands, we were thrilled. With it’s lively bike culture, and killer design, we knew we’d want to throw a party inspired by such a rad place. We called up our pal Mr. Haack to shoot photos, and did he deliver or what? 
Who knew going Dutch could be so romantic?

Mini steins and an array of Dutch cheeses? Count us in! We had a ton of requests for where we found that wooden drink paddle. That one in particular is a family hand me down, but you can find similar ones here. It really makes taking shots seem a bit more sophisticated, don’t you think?

Tulip Festivals are held in many cities all over the world, and who wouldn’t want to celebrate this darling little bloom? Luckily, we can get them almost all year round, as they were the perfect addition to our shindig. 

Ta Ta for now.. until we spin our globe again!